Looking for a Blue Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor)


New member
Does anyone know where I could buy a Blue Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor)...
I know nost shops can special order them, but does anyone remember seeing one recently? I recently ordered one from an LFS for $24, then when it arrived since it was the only one they got and it's slightly bigger than a small one (I swear slightly bigger) I have seen the small ones before, they wanted $49 instead....so I declined to buy it,

I believe Reef's Edge has one... and there's a new store on Dixie just south of Commercial, east side that had one last week.
seen em several times before at all sealife, pembroke rd and i-95. They almost always have a red or blue lobster in the tanks
I wanted to post a pic of the lobster I am looking for. I called a few LFS today and they told me that they had Spiny Blue Lobsters available, which look like this:

But what they Really had was Purple and Orange Debelius Reef Lobster that looks like this:

So I am still on the look out....Please if you spot any let me know.

Reeflife has one I think. I saw it last night, it was hiding under a rock but the antennae where white, so I believe it's definitely what you are looking for.
It's there, I saw it tonight.

What am I doing? I am going to the fish store instead of going Xmas shopping :confused: Patrick got a new shipment in yesterday, 29 boxes and I just had to see :lol: , and since he is getting more tommorrow, I guess no Xmas shopping again :lol2: I wish all my friends had tanks, and I could do all my shopping there.....
I am still looking to get one ....
I know they are pretty hard to find at times, so has anyone seen one lately? Thanks.
Hi guys,

LOL after seeing the pics. I want a lobster 2 haha
Are the lobsters reef safe?
How big of a tank should I have to keep it?

Actually they have gotten mixed reviews....as far as reef safety.
They could eat your fishes. But could is the key word.
I have seen 2-3 big ones that people have raised and they claim to have never had a problem with them.
But they get up to 8-14in in length (depending on who you ask). Slowly but they will....
As for me I want one so bad that if it is not compatible with my reef tank I am willing and have the wife’s go ahead to set up a species tank for it.
Is this one small enough for you?


j/k, I ended up with a Florida Lobster as a hitchhiker on some seaweed when I collected a bunch in the keys one weekend to try and get little seaweed shrimp to use as fish food.

Back on topic though, I saw one at Aquarium Concepts about a week and a half ago or so.
Barrier Reef in Boca has two. Really small...one is MAYBE an inch...the other bigger but it was in a rock so it's hard to tell.

They were $24.99 each.

I would give them a call first before you drive up from Miami...
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