Looking for a bubble tip anemone.

is that for your tank? if so, I recommend you place the archilles last, they are bully's!
I saw reef life had some insane RBT in the old location, the price wasn't cheap but the anenome was very nice!
well not sure where you may be this weekend....but if i remember correctly Sea in the City in orlando had some nice green anemone's 25 bucks
Robert I have a small green BTA(split off the side of the mother colony).$10 if you want it or trade for something?
Robert I've had the Mother for about 8 years.It is about 3" when inflated at the moment.It is in a fine mesh filter bag,as I don't want it to attach to any rock work.I'm sure it will be a bit larger,once out of the filter bag.
Rogger,if Robert does not take it I'll let you know.If I get another split I'll let you know also if you want.Thanks guys.