Looking for a program to process nicon raw

Dog boy Dave

New member
I have a Nicon kool pix 5700. I think the raw format for nicon is Neff. but kinda confused. It seems to be propriotory to Nicon. Can anyone recomend a freeware program to do minor color adjustments and such for the nicon native images while in raw? ? I use the Nicon program to download from camera but cant process the images other than convert to .jpg and such.
Don't know about freeware, but Photoshop Elements can. It runs about a hundred bucks.
Picasa from google can do it. The only hitch is that depending on what camera you have Picasa sometimes puts a small red line down the right edge of the print (my nikon d7000 does this) It's supposed to be fixed in a future update.
Download the Adobe DNG converter. It'll convert your NEF to DNG which can be opened by just about any editor.