Looking for a reliable dehumidifier


Active member
Looking for a good reliable dehumidifier. Anyone using one? If so, what brand and what are your experience?
We have a Frigidaire 25 pint - first one quit working in a week, so we returned, and the replacement has been working great for about a year now. If we had to do it again, we'd go with a bigger one since this one fills up within about 3-4 hours. It is noisy, and our display tank is in the living room, so we run the dehumidifier while we're at work or at night.
I run a Soleus Air 40 pint, it is really quiet and fill up in about 12 hours for me. I keep mine in the living room.
Thx guys! Please keep the suggestion coming. Is the higher the pint, the more powerful or more capacity?
I"m using a Whirlpool Gold. It's been running for 4 years without issue. Not sure on how much the tub hold as I have it plumbed directly to the sump pump hole, so it drains as it runs. It's the only way to do it in my opinion.

Does anyone know one with a drain without DIY? Seems like really nice option so I imagine someone would have thought of that already.

Soleus Air 40 pint looks pretty promising as it got pretty good review from Amazon. Anyone with other suggestions?
I am about to order one (thinking about Soleus Air 40 pint given amazon.com review). Anyone have more suggestions? :)
LG 60pint picked up at HD and has one of the best warranties out there. Great price and working for over 2 years no problems.