Your stops should include for sure the best sps in south florida are; Oh and I added some pictures that are from our clubs last LFS hop. Most of the stores have added new tanks or changed stuff around for the better so these are a little outdated.
Reefs Edge- bali aquacultured sps, frags, colonies, neat store huge top down 700g acrylic show tank, and about 1 billions ricordia... seriously.
Coral Reef Farm- any and every type of coral in the book they get in, great customer service, frags-mini colonies-huge colonies. awesome sps, acans, aussie, brains, yumas, clams, lps, zoanthids, montiporas, caps, lots of good stuff! black tang, exotic fish, rare corals, great liverock prices. etc etc
Eco Reef- bali aquacultured sps, ORA sps, ORA fish, really cool store with alot of dry goods/ corals.
Exotic aquatic- neat store with some nice sps peices. Nice show tank.