Looking for a tank for our newest addition

I have a non-drilled 75 with the wood frame stand (not skinned)

Good condition. Yours for $100.00 with a home-made screen top.

Will give him plenty of room to grow.
I've got a 40B zilla tank $50. I had a sulcutta tortoise in it. Here's some info:

Zilla Critter Cage - 40 Breeder Gallon
Item Id: 10234
Zilla Critter Cages include bonus features in the top frame that provide added strength, easy access and improved safety.

Top is escape-resistant mesh, framed in a strong grooved frame that opens and closes with a smooth slide every time
Interlocking groove around entire rim of tank prevents escape due to pushing the lid upwards - especially ideal for snakes and stronger pets
Extra security with built-in lockable latch (Lock sold separately)
Recessed hanging space for water bottles, plus wiring ports allow for easy addition of tank accessories without compromising safety or appearance
Dimensions: 36"L x 18"W x 16"H

Web Price: $139.99 CDN