Looking for a tank


New member
Hey gang just wanted to post quick to help expedite my shopping journey. I convinced to wife to allow me to setup a nano tank in my sons room and after looking at all the options we feel the Red Sea Max 130D would be ideal. If you haven't seen it yet check it out. Anyway, the reason for the post is to spread the word that I'm looking for one. Not really excited about dropping a cool $1000 on a tank that's only 34 gallons so if you know of someone that is looking to get rid of one or know of a dealer that will sell it at a "fair price" hit me up. Either send me a PM or a call or text would be fine.

Thanks in advance!!
(570) 262/8765

I have seen several really good deals in your area on craigslist. Check it out. use keywords like fish tank, or reef tank to find them.
i have a 37 gallon up for grabs, comes with a stand, i can give you a good deal on it. Its not reef ready but I can have it drilled for you. Or i have a sump with overflow if you are interested.
Thanks for the offer jwalker!! It sounds great but we are sold on the RSM due to the fact that everything is enclosed and only 1 wire to plug in the wall. With it going in my infant sons room the less wires for him to grab hold of the better
good luck with everything! one word of advice when your son gets old enough to stand up, prevent him from smacking the glass. In my experience i had a 55 gallon freshwater tank that burst from the seams due to both of my kids smacking on the glass and weakening the seals. Hope he enjoys it! If you need any help with anything let me know.
Ha ha thanks. My father in law had a similar instance were earlier in the week his niece "tapped" the glass with a matchbox car. Few days later at 3am he calls me in a panic. A crack developed from the top right corner the whole way thru to the bottom left corner. So I had to rush over with 25 5 gallon buckets and save his fish and coral till a pet store opened to buy a new 180.