Looking for a tank!

Speckled Grouper

Sticks Suck!
NO, not me.....:D
A friend of mine is looking for a tank, he is flexible as far as size goes, 100g and up.....120g, 125g, 150g, 180g, 200g, he prefers a full set up.
If you got anything or know of anything, please get in touch with me.
musclebudds@aol.com email this guy, he was selling a 125 full set up, he was that guy that had no idea what to price it, had it posted on craigslist for 25k until i helped him fix his price, lol he may still have it.
after speckled grouper decides what they are buying let me know what is still avail cause i'm considering a bigger tank.
interested in the 180

interested in the 180

I too am interested in a 180 reef ready. Let me know the dimensions and what is included! Pics would be great too!
I'm looking for a 180 as well...it needs to have a view from 3 sides though, as its going to take the place of a partition wall.
I have seen Johnny's tank and it is viewable from 3 sides, that might be the one for you firewill. I spoke to my friend today and he said he got up at 5.00am and got every newspaper there was to find a tank, so I don't think he will last another week without a tank :D
Last time I was at Pat's he had a pretty decent deal on a large set up including EVERYTHING from lights, filtration, chiller, skimmer, even sand I think. Give him a call. (better yet, go see it, it really was a nice tank.)