Looking for an anemone species that clowns prefer NOT to use, but not dangerous.


New member
I am working on my future livestock list, and I would like as many symbiotic relationships as possible. I am planning for a goby/shrimp pair, clowns/anemone trio, and a porcelain crabs/anemone trio.

My plan of attack is as follows:

Introduce a Orange Stripe Prawn Goby (Amblyeleotris randalli) & a Red Banded Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus randalli).

Introduce a pair of Porcelain Anemone Crabs (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai) with an as of yet identified host anemone.

Introduce a pair of black snowflake clownfish (source undecided) with either a Purple LTA or BTA of some color variety as of yet undecided.


My question comes in here... I plan to add the porcelain crabs & "their" anemone first, then the (LTA or BTA), and lastly the clowns so that in a perfect world the relationships will all be set-up.

My goal is for the porcelain crab's anemone to be a species not typically preferred by clowns, but that also isn't dangerous to them. I considered going with a condy but have read that they can possibly kill clowns.

Anyone here have any ideas? I have spent the better part of today doing google-fu, but I am still undecided.

NOTE: I am aware that the livestock may take my plans and insert them directly into my rectum.