Looking for Big Tank ASAP - 450g +


Hey All,

Our 400g needs to be replaced much sooner than we anticipated. Everything is still dry at the moment, but I want to move the livestock before I have a horrible video to share on Youtube.

Looking for something bigger than 8x3x24 Hopefully in the 10'x48' or bigger range.

With a stand. Looking to buy, borrow, or rent. Doesn't have to be a beauty, just has to hold water.

If you know of someone with a monster tank in storage, or the friend who bought the amazing tank and the wife shunned him into putting it the garage under a car cover until all 7 kids get their pHd.

Let me know

If you have a lead please email it to me - Its Dave at 'insert my screename' then dot com.

Thanks for your help.

Dave B

Dave B
Scott, Thanks - But need something 2.5x as big as that - Need to move the livestock in the 400g to the other side of the room while we build the 800g

You don't have those fiberglass tubs from your backyard still do you?

New Tank has been located and is coming this weekend. Will be posting soon looking for (1) hydraulic lift cart and some guys with strong backs to roll the tank around the yard and into the house.

Dave B