Looking to getting my wife a new fish for her 270G mixed reef aquarium and need some ideas. The tank has been up for about 5 years with the following fish:
The first batch
2 cinnamon Clowns - 5 years, 1st fish
1 Blue Tang - 5 years, probably the boss
1 Yellow Tang - 5 years
1 Foxface Lo - co-boss. Nobody messes with grumpy
2 Bar Gobies - 5 years. Down from 3:{
1 Scissor Tail Goby - 5 years. Down from 3:{
1 Cardinal - 5 years. Down from 2, lost 1 due to cyst
1 Cardinal - Stuck in overflow. Child of first 2 Cardinals.
1 Chromy - 4 years
Recent additions
1 neon Dotty back - 1 year
1 Royal Gramma - 1 year
1 6 line wrasse - 6 months, smallest of all the fish
Lost in the tank over the years:
2 Heniochus - 1st due to ich, 2nd returned for picking at corals
1 Carpenter wrasse - 3 years in tank b4 disappeared, was tank PITA
1 mandarin - Just could not keep enough copopods
1 Scotter Blenny - 6 months and just died. Guessing starved or rock cavein
Other notes
- Looking for reef and tank mate friendly
- Looking for a colorful, pretty fish
- Tank has had 1 bad, a couple minor ich outbreaks
- My LFS will quarantine for me.
- We feed twice a day with various frozen shrimp and the occasional seaweed. Do not want to change this routine.
- Do not want to overstock tank
- Tank recently had a salinity spike that burned out alot of corals so kind of starting fresh with corals.
- Not too afraid of Jumpers as tanker is fully enclosed but does have a low roof.
Would love some input. Many thanks.
The first batch
2 cinnamon Clowns - 5 years, 1st fish
1 Blue Tang - 5 years, probably the boss
1 Yellow Tang - 5 years
1 Foxface Lo - co-boss. Nobody messes with grumpy
2 Bar Gobies - 5 years. Down from 3:{
1 Scissor Tail Goby - 5 years. Down from 3:{
1 Cardinal - 5 years. Down from 2, lost 1 due to cyst
1 Cardinal - Stuck in overflow. Child of first 2 Cardinals.
1 Chromy - 4 years
Recent additions
1 neon Dotty back - 1 year
1 Royal Gramma - 1 year
1 6 line wrasse - 6 months, smallest of all the fish
Lost in the tank over the years:
2 Heniochus - 1st due to ich, 2nd returned for picking at corals
1 Carpenter wrasse - 3 years in tank b4 disappeared, was tank PITA
1 mandarin - Just could not keep enough copopods
1 Scotter Blenny - 6 months and just died. Guessing starved or rock cavein
Other notes
- Looking for reef and tank mate friendly
- Looking for a colorful, pretty fish
- Tank has had 1 bad, a couple minor ich outbreaks
- My LFS will quarantine for me.
- We feed twice a day with various frozen shrimp and the occasional seaweed. Do not want to change this routine.
- Do not want to overstock tank
- Tank recently had a salinity spike that burned out alot of corals so kind of starting fresh with corals.
- Not too afraid of Jumpers as tanker is fully enclosed but does have a low roof.
Would love some input. Many thanks.