Looking for broken glass tanks.


New member
If you have a broken glass tank (or any glass tank) that you're throwing away and are nearby (Broward area) let me know and I'll come pick it up.
PM, email, or call me 954-242-5317.

I'm ordering a couple of diamond hole saws and would like plenty of practice before I attempt to drill a tank for real.
It's not exactly something you get a do-over on. ;)

go buy one at petco and practice, when your done tell em "hey i bought this tank and it came w/ a hole in it" they will probably return it for you

lmao jk
I see you've met the kids at my local petco. lol

As for scrap glass, most available window replacement glass is alot thinner (3/32") than typical tank glass (3/16" to 3/8").
Also most broken tanks are only broken on one side leaving 3 sides and/or a tempered glass bottom still held by a frame to practice on.

As for buying a practice piece of 3/16" or 1/4" glass... have you priced glass lately?
It's cheaper to buy an already assembled tank than to purchase the same size glass if you wanted to build it yourself.

I'll most likely come across some in my travels on bulk pickup day, but I figured I'd check here first to save myself some time looking.
My local Ace and true value sell pieces of 1/4 glass for about 1.50 each. At that price you can have a ton of practice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11656118#post11656118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DOTZ
My local Ace and true value sell pieces of 1/4 glass for about 1.50 each. At that price you can have a ton of practice.


I haven't checked for an Ace or True Value around me, but my local Home Depot and Lowes only carry 3/32" at about $6 for a square foot and last time I priced out local glass shops for some 1/4" baffle-sized pieces for a refugium I was quoted over $20 a piece.
Considering I'll probably be shattering the first few attempts it could add up quickly.

Thanks for the heads-up.
I'll certainly be putting in a call to Ace and True Value tomorrow.
i have a cracked 10 gal :/ nothing to big. it can acctualy still be used for anything other then water.. just a little crack not all the way threw. but its here.
I suggest using a 10g tank...they are easy to break while drilling if you are not patient and put pressure on it.
So if you could drill a few holes in the 10 tank without cracking it, then you should be able to apply that experience and knowledge to any drilling you are doing...