Looking for lights...


New member
Does anyone know where i can find cheap 48" f40 t12/vho lights. they have them at That pet place for about 24-29 each but i need four and that gets expensive and it is far. We were just up there a couple weeks ago and dont want to go soon.
TPP is probably your best bet, but I know what you mean about the drive. haven't seen any locally though. your next best bet would be exotic aquatics outside of Baltimore. probably a little more expensive, but you could try giving them a call before going down. its a little closer at about 45min, depending on traffic, and their livestock is nicer...
after that I would go with hellolights.com...
Hey Dave ,
the past two years i get my VHO lamps from this place. really good lamps. just get the 50/50's and actinics. the one they call the Marine daylight is being discontinued and may not be in stock in all sizes. but the other two work great. you will like the price. even with shipping.


read their info , then click on products. For VHO, definitely get the lamps with Internal Reflectors. I use them without a metal reflector, just the under side of the hood painted white. but the internal reflectors work great. I might be placing another order soon myself. I use 2 x 50/50's and 2 x actinics on my 75. They box them real good in styrofoam trays inside the boxes for 8 or 12 lamps.
thanks yea that site looks good and cheaper then tpp. we went up there today and they didnt even have any 48" actinic vho lights. waste of time.
Yes, they are good. an old time company, been in business since Thomas Edison?!?!, but just went online 2 years ago. They have had an ad in FAMA magazine every month the past two years, but nobody seems to pay attention.

give em a call, make sure what you want is in stock and ask about shipping. 8 might ship for only a few dollars more than 4.
Nice people.