Looking for MH reflector


New member
Anyone here have a parabolic reflector they don't need? I have a bell shape reflector and I don't get the full power of the light.

I do ... I have a Sunlight Supply Super Sun reflector
(http://homeharvest.com/homeharvest2000pics/SunlightSupplyImages/SSLgSuperHorizExt250.jpg) pratically brand new, comes with mogul and hanging clips.

Dimensions are 22 - 1/4 inches long and 24 inches wide. Can be air cooled and you can add a light shield on it as well. It's a great reflector but i went with a smaller tank and with DE instead of SEs so i can't use it. You can have it for 40 bucks.

If you like pm me your Email addy and i can send you pics of it.