Looking for PAR info on the 250 watt DE phoenix bulb...


Team RC
I'm looking for some info on the PAR of these bulbs ran on the m80 ballest..
I understand that there are more things in play here, I'm just looking for basic PAR ratings.


I'm looking for some info on the PAR of these bulbs ran on the m80 ballest..
I understand that there are more things in play here, I'm just looking for basic PAR ratings.



Kind of weird way to do it..but a start..oh and used electronic ballast.

Just a bit more cut from a thread
My reading with a 250 watt DE Phoenix 14K read at the light around 700+ but only a few inches below water it drops to 150 or so. The light is about 12" above the water.
(Ignore this, just put in for reference on the bottom part.)

. I've looked at the Sanjay site and he shows PPFD at levels of 125 or so when the meter is 18" away from the source.

a lot of Sanjays stuff is "lost to the ages" so to speak. Some can be found using the "wayback machine" internet archives.
