Looking for some Weld-On


Premium Member
Anyone have some weld-on laying around? I just picked up a used acrylic tank to set up on the side, and the eurobracing is separated from the side in one place that needs to be re-attached. Looking for one of the liquid solvents (3,4,5), although I may back it up with 16 once that's done.

I'll happily trade a frag if someone has a bottle they'll let me borrow. :D
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Jeff, I have some at the house. I think its 4, but it could be 3. I will not be going home before the meeting, but you can alway pick it up from me tomorrow since I work in FTL.

PM me if interested.
I've also got a bottle of 3 or 4 as well (I'm pretty sure 4) and an applicator, but you'd have to wait until this weekend to grab it, though I think at some point I'll head down to Matt's which is like 2 seconds from you guys. Again, that would be the weekend though. Just let me know if you're interested.