let me just say that we are all ADULTS here( or at least some of us are) but i have never chimed in on anyone's thread with smart alecky remarks when they are trying to sell something or looking for something to buy, that's not my style, i only make funny comments to my friends only. if you don't know me personally, then don't assume that i am going to just be cordial with your remarks, either conduct professional business or keep your mouth shut please. i'm just like everybody else on this forum, looking for some good used equipment at a reasonable price, i'm not looking for wise cracks , i can get that from any comedy show and then i can laugh at it, when it's done here, i can't laugh, cause to me it's not funny( only to those that think it is) so instead of me getting in trouble with the mods for letting my anger get the best of me, i request that you stop hijacking my threads with your silly remarks and lack of humor and post them somewhere else---thank you