looking to borrow


New member
Ok My fish now have ick. I must have the worst luck in this hobby. I am setting up a QT tank and need a heater if anyone has one that I can borrow. Thanks
what about the one you had with the 29g? is it in the 90? i have two, but the other one is in that big tub of LR im holding,
Tina we turned the 29 into a fresh water for my son.
I am borrowing one from BJ
thanks Ryan for the equipment to loan tip. I'll check there if in need again.
No Sick Fish

I have read several reviews about this product and they are positive. I have never used it myself though. Just a FYI if your interested in trying it.
Thanks Scott.
It sure would be easier than QT. I was wondering how I was even going to catch the fish. I would have to break down rock and stress the tank and fish even more. I'm thinking about it.