Looking to buy acrylic piece


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
I am looking for a piece of acrylic to go on top of a tank that I will be taking to the swap with frags. I need a piece that is about 34" x 10".
ive got a piece 1/4" x 36" x 14" that i can take to the swap, it has a couple holes on one end that will leave you with 34" x 14", let me know
I'm putting on a presentation about acrylic at the frag swap. I should have plenty of pieces that size.
I get pieces of acrylic at Lowes in their throw away bin. They'll even cut them to size. One guy charged me a buck and another guy gave it to me for free. Ask them if you can dig around in the bin they throw remnants in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12042942#post12042942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EllieSuz
I get pieces of acrylic at Lowes in their throw away bin. They'll even cut them to size. One guy charged me a buck and another guy gave it to me for free. Ask them if you can dig around in the bin they throw remnants in.

wow thats weird because I ask if I could get a piece of acrylic and they told me I had to buy a full sheet 4x8