Looking to buy tank


New member
Hey guys i'm just looking around trying to find anyone trying to sell a rectangular tank, about 55-75gal. Someone recommended this site to me, and i figured i could possibly find someone trying to sell the tank and the accessories. If you guys are selling or know someone trying to sell, please let me know. Thanks.
People are selling tanks all the time. Try going a few pages back and seeing what's available. I'm sure I've seen a tank pass through here relatively recently.

And welcome to ReefCentral and the FMAS forum :)
I have a 114 gallon tank 55x24x20 3/4" glass with overflow asking 200$ let me know if you are interested. Thanks
one thing i can tell ya, as I go to bcc, is this hobby will get expensive!!! the bigger you go, the more expensive it'll be to do right. If you wanted to just start off a little smaller I've got a nice little tank ~20 gallons that could get ya started. You'd have to get a light, sump, skimmer, pump, and then rock and sand. I'm selling the tank for $50. It's 30x12x12, but 2 corners are cut out as it's a hex. made by tenecor. let me know if you're interested.