Looking to trade a chalice for a chalice

Just Jim

Active member
I lost a good bit of my chalice frags due to a fire shutting down my filtration for an extended period of time. I luckily didn't lose any of my colonies in my DT. I'm looking for any colorful chalices that I don't have (I still have 10+). I have a nice Aussie yellow eyes purple chalice about 2" I'd like to trade. If ya got a nice one post here or pm me.

Piece for trade

I knew you'd come around! ��. I'm finally getting rid of my 75g tank. I got 2 wp40's today in the mail and the 150g is coming along finally. That frag tank got overrun and I actually found my Rastas under the hair algae. The trick is going to be to keep everything super clean as I transfer things over to my 240.....

Reading over that, I "found" my Rastas, lol.
Well I still have a bandsaw at my disposal which will make it easier to do accurately and I'll take it out this time. Just need to get my daughter home and better and I'll do it for you
Well I still have a bandsaw at my disposal which will make it easier to do accurately and I'll take it out this time. Just need to get my daughter home and better and I'll do it for you

When my oldest was a toddler we frequented CHOP. Take ur time brotha. Best of luck and I wish all of ur family well!