Looking To Upgrade


Premium Member
Im looking to get a bigger tank now....I know few people are selling their setups but have been out of touch for awhile. In any case In looking for between 120 -200 gallon tank. I would prefer glass, with built in overflows. Anyone have something like this. Oh, I dont need a stand and canopy, I am having these custom made.
it's 5 ft rogger. I'm going to have to do some interior decorated and start selling drugs if I want that. problem a is space and problem b is $$$. but it is a gorgeous tank!
I went there today Roger, and saw the tank. It would do wonderfully, but if Im going to go that route, I may as well get one custom made. so Im still looking.
I sent him a PM....Still looking....if I find something solid I will let you guys know......and thanks for your help...