losing corals...


New member
we lost so many corals this week after 2 years of success.

We found our salinity was low, and checked parameters and things seemed ok, and did a major water change,

There is some type of clear web that is covering rocks and corals and seems to be killing them. the mushrooms started to disseaper first, and now candy cane corals and frogspawn. We cl;eaned evrything, and I even dipped a few corals, and now we looked and the web is still covering things. it has tiny dots susupened in it, and it will float if moved at all. We have been trying to suck it out whenver we can.

the fish are all fine so far, but we are wondering what to do? Would it be safe to tranfer the corals that are remaning, or will the problem tranfer over to the freinds tank?

we are thinking of trying to set up a seprate tank temporarily?
any suggestions???