Lost Activated Carbon Article


New member
A while back I saw an article about GAC and it has comparison of different activated carbon brands. Does anyone know where this article hides?

Sorry, I can't find it either. Are you talking about the one where the poster soaked several in water, then tested for leached phosphates? I do remember him saying that Black Diamond was one that did not leach any; with most others, he found differing amounts.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6991982#post6991982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ScubaTC
TekCat - where you able to find the thread? I'm also looking for the top rated GAC.

Nope :( no luck :mad2:
ScubaTC, thanks.... these articles helped alot. Matrix carbon is what I am going to use then :)