Lots of stuff for sale!


Old Salt...
Premium Member
Hey guys, some of you may remember me, lol, (for the newbies I'm actually one of the founders of the NJRC :D )

Long time no see, went thru a divorce in 2009, broke down most tanks, kept a few and planned to re-set up. Fast Forward to 2018, tanks aren't setup, and I plan to move, so I won't be setting them up now for sure.

So, I have to go thru all my stuff (theres pumps, powerheads, wavemakers, ORP, pH meters, etc). But until then, I figured I would list what I KNOW is good, the tanks, and rock...

2.5 gallon - Drilled in the back, used to breed clowns (qty 3) $5 ea
5.5 gallon - Not drilled. (4) $5 ea
5.5 gallon - frameless custom (1) $10
10 gallon - Not drilled (6) $5 ea
10 gallon - Drilled thru bottom (2) $10 ea
10 gallon Sump (drilled for autofill, and external pump) ($20) - perfect for 25g cube / stand
15 gallon - (1) $10
20 gallon - (1) $15
20 gallon Long (1) - drilled for autofill $15
25 gallon cube - drilled for standpipe with custom stand $ 150
29 gallon - drilled in back near top (1) $20
30 gallon Breeder - drilled in back for standpipe (2) Former Atlantis Aquatics frag tanks $30 ea
30 gallon Traditional - (1) $20
40 gallon Breeder - drilled in back for standpipe (1) Former Atlantis Aquatics frag tank $40
55 gallon Reef Ready with pine stand and hood- (1) $100
55 gallon - drilled for topoff with iron stand (used as FW reservoir) (1) $65
55 gallon - not drilled (1) $40
75 gallon Reef Ready (2) $75
75 gallon - not drilled (1) $65
75 gallon - drilled in back for standpipe, no center brace, thick glass (1) $75
210 gallon Reef Ready (1) with Black Oceanic "Wave" stand and hood (stand and hood has never seen water and is brand new, tank originally cost $800, stand originally cost $1200, hood originally cost $400) - $1200

All tanks are reef safe, meaning I never used copper or any other treatment in them really. Willing to make deals on multiple tanks. Located in West Milford (northern).

Stay tuned for pumps, and lighting (yeah it may be a little old, but it all works! and if you're on a budget...)
Oh almost forgot. Base rock (has been dry for a few years). Awesome shapes, some massive sized pieces (were showcased in a 300, and in the 210 above). Fiji, Vanautu, Jakarta, NO Caribbean rock (in other words, light, airy, lots of crevices and hollows).

$1 / lb most pieces
$2 / lb for the monsters (you would be hard pressed to find these sizes in a store, it took me years working at Hanover Pet to get them). Really only for big tanks, will post pics when I can but it may be a while as its all stored in a 55g drum and a few 75g tanks.
Hey Nagel it's been a long time, glad you're doing better. I would be interested in the rock. How much do you have?

Still got the 300?

The 300 was sold shortly after the divorce to Garden State Koi.

There's plenty of rock here! Ya free this weekend?