Love this tank


New member
Well Ive been up and running about 2 months now.
Ive only got about 5 corals and a couple of shrimp and a fish but everyone seems like they are very happy.
All the zoos open completely now,the anchor coral extends big as crap now and the ricordia hasnt unattached and seems happy.The scolymia has a wound where I dropped it but it seems to be alive so we'll see.
My temp is steady between 79-82 and my ammonia is nil.I checked my calcium the other day and it was 380.
The only unsightlyness is some cyano bacteria that has begun to gather on the sand and rocks but I just manually remove it when I do water changes.Hopefully it will go away for good.
Im only running one Koralia 3 because when I run both the LPS seem to close slightly.Also if anyone has an extra drain plug for a skimmer cup laying about Ill buy it off you.I think our cat ate mine....
Im really enjoying the tank and now that the holiday is almost over Ill be able to spend more time with it.

Thanks again for all your help WTMRAC!
I'm guessing you work nights, when I'm home, but PM me your schedule.

Indra has (yet again) another surgery tomorrow, but other than that, I'm available.