Lunar Wrasse


New member
Hello all...Well I talked to a few of you at the State College swap reguarding my issues with a problem child Lunar Wrasse and well finally yesterday I managed to catch the said verment. Small Trout hook and some fly line baited with a peice of salad shrimp. Worked like a charm in about 15 sec.

Anyway..Is there someone out there willing to head my way for a free fish before I have to take him to the LFS? He is currently housed in the sump. Let me know via post here or shoot me a PM and let me know.

Have a great Weekend all and enjoy the Sunshine..!
Hehe... sorry, he sounds like the one we used to have in the PSU tank, we caught him and donated him to the LFS. Ours was reef safe, but not fish safe. :( Good luck!
Sounds familiar...I had to take a fish to ThatPetPlace and the poor guy was there for MONTHS..lost all his color...I felt soooo bad for him, but after reminding myself that the bastard killed several fish, tons of crabs and snails and every shrimp I owned I got over it. :)

That's what I get for buying a "reef safe, tank bred" fish without researching more first. I still don't know exactly what type of fish it was, but he was tiny when I bought him and grew to be a monster.
Right there with ya Fizz..Killed my Royal Grama that I had for over 4 years and countless snails. I also got him when it was very small. Now its about 5 in long. Very interesting fish though and I hated to let him go but like you said I'll get over it. In fact I belive Im already feeling better...Cheers!