Macro Lens Question


Active member
I cant seem to achieve close ups with my current lens, from Kodak point and shoot camera. (Kodak Easyshare Z740)

What do you guys think of aftermarket lenses/filters for point and shoot cameras? in my case some thing like the link below:
lens link

I decided to post question first to not bore you with my schpeel below:

So I've been into reefs for a long time,but until now never care much about macro photography of tank. The images here on RC have changes my mind. I recently came upon this forum and have been reading extensively.

At this time the only macro photography I will be doing is of the reef. Spending $600-1000 is not justifiable vs spending on reef (maybe by end of year). My current camera is a Kodak Z740. This camera takes decent pictures for normal family stuff. For the reef forget about it!

After reading some of the articles here I have discovered that yes the camera has white balance adjusting (limited to what they call• Auto• Daylight• Tungsten• Fluorescent• Open Shade) and exposure compensation. additionally it has the capability of manually adjusting aperture exposure, shutter speed, iso etc..I am currently playing with these settings.

Any other "point and shoot camera" guys with experienc please chime in.
I used screw on filter type attachments for both my Oly8080 and my Oly3040. I always enjoyed the results (for what they were at the time). It is a viable way of extending what you own. You'll only know how good the pictures will be after you give it a whirl.

In the mean time, practice getting great shots with what you own right now. You should be able to produce clear, sharp, well framed images with your current gear (just not close ups).