Macro Setup


New member
OK I just got my refugium all put together last night. Just want to check before i put stuff in it. I have a DSB in my main tank, but should I still run a DSb in my refug also?

Are Gracilaria and Chaetomorpha good choices? Is it better to have a few types of macro or is it better to have one. Dont know if algae have problems being next to different kinds?

Also anything else I should include or that would be good to put in the refugium?

One more question where can u buy some of this algae?
Sounds like you are on the right track. Chaeto is excellent for a refug. As is gracilaria. You might try some caulpera profilera also.

Yes you can have a dsb in the refug. I wouldn't because the more sand the less open water for the plants.

the best place to get macros is from locals in your area. No problem with shipping damage that say. Floridapets is another good source.
ok is it cool to put both of those into the same fuge? The fuge is 30 gallon btw, but as no dividers.

also is there a need for live rock in the fuge?
Some do put LR in refugiums. No absolute need though. But then your lr may have some critter on it you want to protect.
ok what about putting 2 different types of algae in there any problems will have 2 different types in the fuge hurt each other. It is a 30 gallon fuge which is a decent size but there are no dividers to keep them away from each other
Sully02 said:
ok what about putting 2 different types of algae in there any problems will have 2 different types in the fuge hurt each other. It is a 30 gallon fuge which is a decent size but there are no dividers to keep them away from each other

In my macro culture tank I have caulpera prolifera, grape, Chaeto, and even a couple of mermaids fans. In my in tank back wall refug I have caulpera profilera, red/brown branched (gracilaria?), chaeto, grape, and a single strand of red grape. In both these are all not seperated in any way. Seems to work fine. the profilera and chaeto spread under normal output lighting. The grape seems to need higher lighting.