Magnesium settling in dosing reservoir


New member
So I just set up a dosing pump, I'm using a glass container for the additives.

I filled the glass container with brightwell magnesium yesterday and this morning it has settled to the bottom of the solution. The bottom 3/4" is cloudy and thick, while the top is 6" is clear.

What have I done wrong here?
I figured with a pre mixed solution such as this it wouldn’t be required. I never had to shake the bottle or anything when I added it straight from what is was sold in
I did add the small amount left of my Red Sea magnesium to the brightwell when I filled the dosing container. Perhaps it did something? Seems unlikely.
If the solution is too concentrated, cooler temperature can precipitate salts.
Try diluting with ro water, like 3:1, see if it clears.
Also, if it is basic from residual NaHCO3 it will ppt, add acetic acid to solublize.
If the solution is too concentrated, cooler temperature can precipitate salts.
Try diluting with ro water, like 3:1, see if it clears.
Also, if it is basic from residual NaHCO3 it will ppt, add acetic acid to solublize.

Mixed it 50/50 with RO and it's crystal clear. Great call. Thanks for the help!