Magnificent Foxface

Hattie B

Has anyone had one? Any info. you would like to share?

I have read very conflicting reports on them.

Thanks Petstore,

There are two that are at my LFS and have been for over a month. I really like one of them and am seriously giving it thought to purchase him.

I've had one about 2 weeks now. Great fish, very shy though. If I get anywhere near the tank he hides in his cave and shows his spines. What are you curious about ie the very conflicting reports?
yes basically. I really like them, I think they are really beautiful and the two at the LFS are not as shy as they were a few weeks ago.

I just wanted to know other peoples personal experiences with them.

Another LFS told me it's hit or miss either they get ich and die or they are great.. nice selling point huh..

I think the LFS is giving you some bad advice. Everything I've ever seen says they are very hardy. I've even heard they were the only fish left after complete tank wipeouts. I'd say if they look good at the store go for it.
Here's mine...


been in my reef now for about 6 months. I got him in hopes that he'd also eat some bubble algae in the tank, however he hasn't touched any. Great fish, however very shy and skittish. He will hide or show his night colors very easily.
I have one, but for some reason it never shows any of it's colors like tang mans. It is always a dull shade of grey with very little color on the fins or face and the black saddle is always washed out. Nothing bothers it, water parameters are good and it eats well. Maybe there is something I am missing in it's requirements? I've seen them at the LFS in less than ideal conditions and they always look great. It is a nervous fish - darts behind the rocks when anyone approaches. They are supposed to be good algae eaters, but mine only takes an occasional nibble at the rock.