Majestic Angel For sale, FL $80

Rogger Castells

New member
It looks like I need to remove my Majestic from my SPS tank, he has been picking one the corals too much now.
I have not catched him yet but I have been feeding the fish in my trap every day for the last week, I expect to catch him anyday now.
The Angel has his adult colors already and he is about 3.5" long very well fed and eating everything, he is naturally shy but out on the open all the time.
I am open to any reasonable offers or trade for other reefsafe fishes, let me know.

Thank You,

I caught the Majestic tonight :D I need to move him ASAP if anyone is interested please give me an offer, He is a gorgeous fish with great health.
Have to second that.. definately a beautiful fish - one of my favorite. Wish I could keep her in my tank... free bump

-Mike C.
actuallly I am not sure what it is, Rafael could probably help figuring out this he was able to notice the diff between the male and female regals he has in his tank

How about a frag of Garf Blue bonsai, a frag of Pink with green center blasto Blasto, and some pink Strawberry digi for it? Maybe some Dragon eye zoo's (Yellow skirts orange centers)

Doing my 180 Fish only would look kick butt!

Let me know,


Ps. BTW I have to meet you already lol!! I'm always hearing you're name when I talk to Chris and Robert etc. I feel like I know you, and I havent met you.. or if I did I don't remember LOL!!
JC, let me get back to you I have someone that is getting back to me on the fish, I will let you know as soon as I hear from him. Yup we definetely need to meet, I've heard good thing about your tank and would like to see it in person
Cool Roger,

Yeah please let me know, if not I'd love it for my 180 FOWLR and you'll get some nice new frags:)

Take care bud!
