Male Rose Band Fairy Wrasse for sale $75


Premium Member
Making room for the tangs and I have too many wrasses. This is an uncommon wrasse. He is chilling in my sump waiting to go to his next tank. I have had him approximately 7 months. $75


Rose-band Fairy Wrasse
Red-striped Fairy Wrasse Family: Labridae

e Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse is quite handsome and is an excellent pet for fish only aquariums and reefs as well. It will do well with other Cirrhilabrus members and also with smaller, non-aggressive fish. As with all Cirrhilabrus members, these wrasses are hardy against most infectious diseases but on occasion they suffer from "œich" (white spot disease). They can be treated successfully with medicine or a copper drug.

abitat: Natural geographic location:
The Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse is found in New Caledonia and also known from scattered Pacific localities; Samoa, Fiji, Palau and Cebu (the Philippines). It is a deep-water species known from 30-113+ meters in depth.
Cirrhilabrus roseafascia was described by Randall & Lubbock in 1982. This species was first collected at the depth of 100 meters off New Caledonia where it entered a crab pot; an unexpected capture. It was not known from any other locality until around 2000. Exploration by deep diving discovered several specimens in Fiji and Samoa, and also a Japanese diver photographed a male in Palau. Recently some Japanese divers reported many specimens in Cebu,the Philippines . In 2003 the very first specimen was collected and shipped from Cebu to Japan as an aquarium pet. No scientific examination for those from other localities was made but we (Randall, 2005; Tanaka, Pyle & Randall, in press) regard it as this species. An underwater photo by Hiroshi Nagano in Palau is almost identical to the species in appearance and we think that it also is C. roseafascia, although no specimen was collected.
As far as I know there is no color morph. It is very closely related and most similar to C. lanceolatus that is endemic to southern Japan, and they can be differentiated by their pelvic-fin color pattern. C. roseafascia has a bluish dark area posterobasally on the fins, while in C. lanceolatus it is restricted to anterior part of the fins. Also C. lanceolatus has a bluish dorsal fin in the male stage.

These fish are not listed in the IUNC Red List.


Picture of a juvenile Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse
Photo Courtesy: Hiroyuki Tanaka
Males are overall pink with a broader reddish band on the back beginning at upper lip, continuing through eye onto the upper side of the caudal peduncle. They have a narrow yellow stripe on the head and at the base of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is mostly pinkish and yellowish on the anterior part and the margin is bright yellow. Pelvic fins are yellowish with a prominent dark spot posterobasally. Other fins are yellowish; anal and pelvic fins with a blue edge.
Females are similar with pinkish band on the back, fins yellowish, and pelvic fins with a similar dark spot.
Juveniles are also similar with a small black spot on the upper side of the caudal peduncle. There are often with many white spots on the side and a broader white vertical band behind the eye.
All the members of the genus Cirrhilabrus and Paracheilinus have an ability to change colors of body and fins partially or entirely, and then they look like different species, even in the aquarium. They show such color changing especially while they are excited or in courtship behavior to threaten other males of the same or different species, or to attractfemales of their own kind. This behavior can be seen especially from dusk till early night and early morning.

Length/Diameter of fish:
Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse adults can grow to over 20 cm (7.9+ inches). It is the largest member in the genus.

Maintenance difficulty and compatibility:
This wrasse is easily kept in the aquarium without special care.
The Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse is a reef safe fish. it will do well in a coral-rich tank with sessile inverts and/ or in a fish community tank, but select tank mates that are not so aggressive. Larger and rather territorial angelfishes like Pomacanthus and Holacanthus are not recommended even when they are juveniles, but smaller Centropyge, Apolemichthys, Genicanthus, Chaetodontoplus and Pygoplites can be good mates.
Remember that the tank should be well decorated with rocks/ corals with many hiding places for the Cirrhilabrus. Smaller and non-aggressive cardinalfishes, gobies, tilefishes, damselfishes, butterflyfishes, fairy basslets, etc. are good candidates for tank mates. Also wrasses of other genera can be kept if these are not so active or larger. Small but very aggressive fishes like dottybacks are not recommended for candidates.

No special food is needed. This wrasse accepts a wide variety of foods, including dried flakes, meaty foods, shrimps, and sometimes feeds on tablets. It does not harm any live corals or small inverts.

Like all wrasses, the Rose-band Fairy Wrasse or Red-striped Fairy Wrasse is very energetic so needs frequent feedings. Feed at least twice a day. It does not harm any live corals or small inverts. Make sure there is open space for free swimming and many crevices to hide in. It does not need a sand bed as it does not burrow, but rather it will produce a cocoon while it is sleeping among or under rocks or corals. Frequent water changes are not needed. When doing water changes, a small water change can be acceptable but a big one may frighten it, causing it to dash into crevices or even jump out of the tank. I will exchange some, about 1/5 of the water per month.
Thanks. with my rhomboid pair, flame wrasse harem, mystery wrasse, red margin fairy wrasse, male hooded wrasse, cleaner wrasse and melanarus pair I have maxed out my wrasses.
do you have the ability for shipping ? oxygen in bag would be a must . heat packs styro box etc etc . i would be interested but im in new york .does your look close to the picture above ? size ? please pm me if you could ship .
thanks Dave
reefsafe ! you can never max out wrasses IMO .just kiddn
the wrasse in the picture and mine are very similar in size, shape and color. I am going to try to sell local first but will let you know if I decide to ship.
I'm thinking of adding a hooded wrasse to my new 450g DT, with a flame wr. long have yours been together, no problems?