Mangrove plants withering help


New member
I have an AIO tank and in one of my chambers, I had placed some mangrove plants along with some Chaeto. They were thriving as the the root system was using the Chaeto as a foundation. The thing is that my Chaeto did not have enough room to expand, it would turn white, sink and then get sucked in by my return pump. So, I ditched the Chaeto although together but now my mangroves are starting to wither.

What can I use a replacement for my mangrove plants to the root system has something to bind to? I was thinking about using some plastic pot-scrubbers, but at the same time I don't really want to accumulate "crap" that defeats the purpose of having the mangrove plants in the first place to extract naturally nitrates/phosphates from water.

What can I use that add adequate surface area for the mangrove plants to cling onto while also not allowing detritus/bad algae buildup??
Everything had stayed the same -- AI Prime HD that mangroves basically get great light, so that is not an issue. I never had an issue with magnesium, always been on the high-side (1600 according to Red Sea Mg tester).

Only thing that changed, was I ditched the Chaeto. It made more a mess (good clumpy, sank and then bits starting floating around the display tank) than a benefit , but again my mangrove used the Chaeto "mesh" for its root system. Can I just have the Mangrove roots free-floating in the water or do they need to bind to something?
Is this a new tank? Just like any plant they need ferts. nitrate, phosphate, iron If your cheato is dying it's for the same reason your mangrove are not doing well.