Mangrove Tree...


New member
I've have about some tubers of mangrove trees for about a month or more, but lately noticed more of them are getting shriveled up around the base area. Their interior doesn't feel as firm as it used to... What can I do for my plant to help it improve? I have some in a freshwater tank, some in a brackish water tank (being converted to salt), and some in my saltwater tank (which where already assimilated). Am I not providing enough light? How much light do they need? Do they need water supplements?

I have them floating on the water surface with styrofoam. The tanks they are in are kept at 80F. I wipe their leaves once a week. I see new root growths. Do they need substrate packed around their roots?

Some have leaves that are dying, others have new growth... Help. I don't want my mangroves to die...
They may have gone dormant. Mangroves will go dormant if their conditions change drastically (from a tidal zone to your tank is a HUGE change). It doesn't mean they're dead... although they look dead. Give them a chance.

Also, magnesium is a good supplement for them.

Light-wise, they don't need much. A single plant bulb is sufficient. Too much light might be bad. A metal halide would burn them.