Mantis shrimp, yellow tang, Ocellaris clowns, etc


New member
In addition to my 70 gallon tank with custom build stand/canopy, I'm selling what little livestock is left. The live rock was all removed today, so the fish still here are ready to go also. I have:

Pair of Ocellaris clowns about 4 years old, raised from juveniles, 1 male/1 female - the female is fairly large. I'm also including a neon green leather they treat as their host. 40.00

Yellow tang about 4 years old - good color and size - 20.00

Long nose hawkfish 20.00

I also have a mantis shrimp of some type that I've had in the tank for several years. He's in his own rock, and hasn't ever bothered a thing. I used to hear him click from time to time, but he has lived peacefully with all types of fish/shrimp/corals, etc. I believe it's a Haptosquilla glyptocerus. It's only a couple of inches long at most, and is black in color. Comes with a small rock where he has resided for years. 25.00
All gone but the shrimp in his rock

All gone but the shrimp in his rock

If anyone wants the shrimp in the rock - 20.00.
All livestock gone. Still have a now empty about 3 year old 70 gallon with custom stand/canopy that came from Kermits. Also includes acrylic ADHI sump, Tunze auto top off, MH lighting, etc 1000.00 OBO Please send PM if interested.