It will probably be at least a month or longer unfortunately. The Marine Enviroment wasn't selling very good so i ordered a full pallet of the Bio-Sea, there 2nd best salt. Instead of a split pallet of each. Of course after i did this, then people bought out the ME salt.
From the charts i've seen with Marine Enviroment and Bio-Sea though, the main difference is there blue bottle of trace elements. All the major salt content seems to be the same or comparable. So if you are adding trace elements to your tank anyways, i think the Bio-Sea is the way to go, less money and still gets high marks in all the natural sea water composition tests.
If you are doing frequent water changes and want your salt to take care of the trace elements too, then ME is a good choice, but you would need to make water changes often to replenish levels of iodine, strontium etc.