Returning to the hobby after several years. Would like to learn from anyone with direct experience setting up a natural live rock (Berlin) system using a relatively small amount of live rock in the display with Marine Pure media (only) in the sump? I have a new 90 gallon tank on its way and will use a 45 gallon sump/refugium from my previous build.
Assuming I use 35 to 50 lbs of cured live rock in my display, and if it will actually work, how much Marine Pure should I need (assuming block)? I have plenty of time to cycle the system to seed the new media.
I only learned of Marine Pure today and read somewhere on this forum that 1 four inch block was good for 100 gallon?
I appreciate your comments,
Assuming I use 35 to 50 lbs of cured live rock in my display, and if it will actually work, how much Marine Pure should I need (assuming block)? I have plenty of time to cycle the system to seed the new media.
I only learned of Marine Pure today and read somewhere on this forum that 1 four inch block was good for 100 gallon?
I appreciate your comments,