I just fed my Gold Stripped Maroon clown some Marine flake food about 10 minutes ago, and now he is floating ont eh surface, trying to get down, but can't. He seems a little bloated, could it be he ate too much? or digested a lot of aire since he usually stays on the surface? When he hits the surface he goes on his side. What else could this be? He was fine this morning.
Ammonia: 0ppm
salinity: 1.025
Nitrate / nitrite: 0ppm
Note: This is my 10 gallon that he hasbeen in for about 5 months, I was going to make a 20L reef for him / her
If its that bladder thing, what are the ways to cure that? Right now the only things in the tank are LR, a Cleaner Shrimp, Emerald Crab, and 1 Candy cane, with Scarlet Hermits, and Nassarius snails.
Ammonia: 0ppm
salinity: 1.025
Nitrate / nitrite: 0ppm
Note: This is my 10 gallon that he hasbeen in for about 5 months, I was going to make a 20L reef for him / her
If its that bladder thing, what are the ways to cure that? Right now the only things in the tank are LR, a Cleaner Shrimp, Emerald Crab, and 1 Candy cane, with Scarlet Hermits, and Nassarius snails.