MASC Science Fair Competition 2012


New member
The MASC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual MASC Science Fair. The science fair will be held from Now to July 1, 2012 (or the monthly meeting heald in July). The deadline for entry is January 1, 2012. If you intend on entering into this contest you can fill out the form and put it in this thread, but a hard copy also must be filled out and handed to a BOD member. Below you will find the guide lines and judging criteria. All of the contestants' projects will be presented at our monthly meeting in July of 2012. Our special guest judges will be more active in the process this year, and will be the people who decide the winner. The winner will receive round trip airfare and a ticket to MANCA 2012 in Dallas, Texas September 28-20, 2012. The winner will also receive a prize equal to $500. We do have a few surprises from RHM, and from the BOD of MACNA to be announced later on in the competition. All decisions are final, any questions should be sent to


MASC Reef Science Fair Guidelines:

Everyone is allowed to participate.

Projects are to be done by individuals only. No collaborative efforts.

Entrants can choose to focus their project on any aspect of reefkeeping or the marine aquarium hobby.

Projects should demonstrate a scientific principle, or solve a problem using the scientific method.

The project should include the following aspects:

All work must be done by the exhibitor, however, in the case of a minor, any adult may supervise. For minor exhibitors, adults must not do any of the experimentation or build, make, write, print or type any part of the exhibit or report.

The exhibitor must supply all materials, tools and equipment for the installation of the project at the final exhibition.

Exhibits should fit on or take up a standard 6ft table area.
A project data book and research paper are required for each project. Pictures are required and Videos are also HIGHLY recommended. The more detail the better. PLEASE make sure you are taking pictures of progress as well, NOT just the end product.

Exhibitors must fill out an entry form by January 1, 2011. No late entries will be allowed, unless so dictated by the BOD of MASC

The special judges for the Science Fair 2012 are:
1. Matt Pedersen
2. Bob Fenner
3. Marc Levenson
4. Rich Ross
5. Christine Williams


1. There would be a 2 month period for people to submit to the judges what their experiment will be about. This will also include a detailed report about how they plan on researching and doing the experiment. This should end at the end of January.

------------------The judges would then give them ideas/comments on what they are presented with, at the end of the period. Basically, to guide/coach them to do things that will make their projects successfull. This is probably the biggest and best change. Last year, the special judges were not there to help coach you along the process, and thus were not able to give a concise opinion about what they were looking for. This process would immediately began after #1 and would take about 1 month. This should take us to the end of February

2. There would then be another 4 month period for you to actually get the experiment done. This would also give you the opportunity to create your formal project, as well as your formal project packet, including pictures, reports, etc. This should take us to the end of June.

------------------The judges would then judge all of the final projects and pick the winner. The winner will NOT be announced until all of the RHM and MACNA details are worked out.


The projects will be judged on the following criteria:

I. Scientific Thought
A. Does project follow the scientific method?
B. Is the problem clearly stated?
C. Are the procedures appropriate and organized?
D. Is the information collected accurate and complete?

II. Creative Ability
A. How unique or original is the project idea?
B. Is it significant or unusual for a child this age?

III. Understanding
A. Does it explain what the student learned about the topic?
B. Does the project represent real study and effort?
C. Does the project show the child is familiar with the topic?

IV. Clarity
A. Does the student clearly communicate the nature of the
problem, how the problem was solved, and the conclusion?
B. Are the problems, procedures, data, and conclusions
presented clearly and in a logical order?
C. Does the student clearly and accurately articulate in writing what was accomplished?
D. Is the objective of the project likely to be understood by one not trained in the subject area?

V. Dramatic Value
A. Is the display visually appealing?
B. Is the proper emphasis given to important ideas?
C. Are all the components of the project done well?

VI. Technical Skill
A. Was the majority of the work done by the student?
B Has the student acknowledged help received from others?
C. Does the written material show attention to grammar and spelling?
D. Is the project physically sound and durably constructed?
We look forward to your entries and hope that everyone takes this opportunity to further our hobby and possibly win an awesome experience!

Contest Entry Form

MASC Reef Science Fair

Participants must be 18 years of age or older, and a registered MASC member. Members who are 17 years of age and younger need a valid parent/legal guardian's signature in order to participate. This form MUST be printed and delivered to a MASC board member.

Parent/Legal Guardian______________________________

Prize package includes:
Trip for 1 to the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America(MACNA). Prize includes (a) round trip airfare for 1 from Denver, CO to Dallas, Texas; (b) admission for 1 into the exhibition halls/any speaker presentations; (c) hotel stay for the three days of the conference. All reservations will be made by the board members of the Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado no later than 30 days prior to anticipated departure. Airline tickets may be upgraded, re-assigned or transferred at the expense of the "winner." Not included are meals, bar, phone, and transportation to and from airports.

Hotel will be provided by Fathom Aquatics.
Airfaire will be provided by Elite Reef.

By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the contest of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the contest have been made available to them in writing and they therefore understand and agree that neither the Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado, affiliates, sponsors, or representatives have any liability with respect to the contestants' participation in the contest or winning a prize and are not liable for any damages out of acceptance and use of a prize. By entering this promotion, participants agree to be bound by these rules.

For those who want to stay updated - Matt Pedersen has already introduced himself and some of what he wants out of the projects.
If anybody is going to the swap today and is participating in this, you are more than welcome to bring your sign up sheets to the event to hand it to a board member! :)
There's some interest coming from the MASC website as well as theSCMAS website!! Any interest yet from the loyal readers of Reef Central?

There is no age tiers at the moment as this is still fairly new, we want everyone to be involved. Last years winner was a 15 year old with a project on Acidification in the Oceans and the runner up was 10 and his project was about algae control. The limits are endless with the projects that can be run, just has to be aquarium related!

Free trip to MACNA 2012, $500 CASH prize, and a few other things still to be announced. PLUS you get guidance from some of the best in the industry!

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