max temp for sps


Active member
so I just realized that my tank is getting to 82-83 when the T5s are on and right at 80 when the t5s go off. I assume this is way too hot and I need to get some fans to blow on the tank.

I keep my AC in this room at 73, but obviously isnt doing enough so I think I should add some clip on fans to the sump in the basement.
I had the same issue with my t5s. I bought a clip on fan and plugged it into a temp controller. Now I can keep the temp 78 - 79, or whatever I set it to. The fan goes on at 79 and keeps running until 78 and then turns off. I don't have a sump, so it's on my DT.
I had the same issue with my t5s. I bought a clip on fan and plugged it into a temp controller. Now I can keep the temp 78 - 79, or whatever I set it to. The fan goes on at 79 and keeps running until 78 and then turns off. I don't have a sump, so it's on my DT.

what was your temp at before the fan?
I do the same. I have a heater & fan on a inkbird temperature controller & it keeps my tank between 78 & 79. Without the fan it would get to 82. So the fan keeps it about 3 to 4 degrees cooler. I have a mh/ T5 combo
Those temps are on the warm side. The fans will definitely help lower it, just be ready to evaporate more water. I personally keep my tank temp at 77-78. I do have days when it goes up to 79-80, but a simple fan can easily bring it back to normal range.
I'd never call those way too hot. Once it gets over 83 I intervene but I've run my tank 80-82 degrees over long periods of time and actually enjoyed better growth than at 78-79, all other things equal. These critters are all ectotherms. Slightly warmer temps within their safe range mean faster metabolism.

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My tank got up to 83 and lost some sps. Tank global warming it's a real thing. Caused sps bleaching

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I run my tank at 79.5-80. I read a lot of threads discussing temps for sps and this seems sort of the middle of the range. It's also easier in the summer to maintain this temp since I set our A/C to 79 and I'm running T5.

I also use a clip on fan which blows across the surface of the water if it exceeds 80 set up through my Apex. The hottest my tank has hit is about 80.3. Cheapo Walmart clip on fans can do wonders!
Holy smokes. 79 degrees. I'd die.

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I'm getting solar just so I can afford to set mine that low!

I try and keep my tank between 79 and 80, but I have the AC set for 83 when I'm not home, and 80 when I am (power is pricey here) so sometimes the temp gets up to 82 in the tank even with 4 computer fans and 2 clip on fans. If it goes over 82 the Apex will kill 4 out of my 6 T5 tubes so it doesn't get above there.

I have a canopy which makes my tank harder to cool, but this is pretty effective. I'm sure it would hit 90 without the fans. I have an open topped QT tank in the garage and it can get up to 110 out there and a clip on fan is able to keep it at 80 or less. I have that tank insulated on 3 sides to help and it gets allot of topoff water.

in the summer my tanks at 82-83 with chiller. chiller goes off at 82. If you do a little research, you will find that reefs get well above 83.....