So I brought home this Clam yesterday and think I've got the right spot for him. I kept the lights dimmed until this morning. While I was having tea I turned around and he had my 5" long Filefish by the nose (beak!) Needless to say it was a stressful morning for everyone! I reached in and tried to open the clam with my hands - no way - in the meantime the poor Filefish was freaking out obviously. I turned my Kessils on full to try to get it to open but everytime it started to the fish tried to get away and it would clamp down again. After about an hour it finally let the fish go. Now, the Filefish looks OK but can't tell if damage to his beak. He's hiding out in his cave and swimming around a bit. My question is, do you think this fish will have learned his lesson and not try to nip at the clam?? I love this fish -it's so interesting and it seems so smart. Should I take the clam back? It opened up fully and is gorgeous though and I know it's good for my reef. Don't think I can handle the drama on a regular basis of having the poor fish looking at me with his googly eyes with his nose stuck in a clam!! I know I have to act quickly if I'm going to take the clam back before it attaches itself. Any comments appreciated!