Meeting #3


New member
I know we just finished up the second meeting, but we should try to start getting the next one laid out.

I will have the next o ne if I have to, but everyone has now seen my system. Who wants to volunteer for the next one?

I will help whoever, however I can

just something to start to think about.
I would host a meeting, but don't know if everyone would be interested in driving all the way to Warsaw. Maybe if everyone got together and carpooled. It would help out with the price of gas.
I could also host a meeting, I live in monrorville, which is about 20 mins from phils. Let me know, I would also drive to warsaw, to check out chads.

Also just a heads up, if anyone is interested in a group buy of Rods food, we will be ordering on Sunday.

Todd (toobrie) has figured it up and it would be better to go through premium on a group buy. So if interested list how many packages you would like, cash would be needed by sunday.

I would be all for car pooling, Warsaw isn't too awful far from here...about a 50 min. drive for me personally - I would be coming out of SW Fort Wayne. Warsaw is a booming town now...nice place to live.
hmmmm now that may be interesting. I will host a meeting once the weather warms up and I can lock my other pets outside for the duration.
Depending on the time frame, I amy not be able to make it to warsaw with my work schedule. I work nights on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will just have to see what time chad wants to have the meeting, if he still wants to have it.
OK. I can have the meeting on the 22, 23, or the 29 of March.

Lets put the day and time to a vote. Majority vote for when the most people that can make it wins.

If anyone has any topics they would like to discuss, or questions, or if anyone has any trouble with anything, or equipment questions, post them, and I am sure we can get some answers for the meeting.

I believe Easter Day is on that one is out for me - I have family and children...I'm sure most of you do too, just didn't know if anyone realized the Easter date.

What times does the club usually meet? Afternoon or evenings?

Talk to you all later,
The 23 is Easter. Good catch Chris. The last two meetings have been at 2 in the afternoon, but that is not set in stone for anyone willing to host a meeting by any means. I chose those because they worked the best for me at the time.

I vote for the 29th. That way easter weekend is free and clear for any family things.
Chad.... Thanks for offering to host a meeting and I hope we can get enough people together to make it happen.
If we are going to have the next one at Chads, we should all think about carpooling to make it easier on everyone. I can drive if need be. I have a little neon but you can fit 4 in it ok
I'm up for car pooling, the 29th sounds good to me...I have a Honda Accord - that needs to be cleaned out now that I think about it...ha ha ha.
29th is good for me, I will probably bring my husband and have him drop me and then pick me up later.......sounds great!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11995586#post11995586 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by toobrie
will not be able to make it, I have to work next weekend.
But do you have to work on the 29th? That is when the meeting is going to take place as of now.
ya, thats what I meant, we have the ballet performing at work and they are a high demand group and I have to be there for every show. This month is extremely busy for me with work, school, and then the holiday.