Melting zoas in the tank not in the sump/frag tank


Active member
I started my 180 with a 65 gallon sump that has a built in frag tank in the 3 rd chamber. It has a reefoptix 3 reflector with a Phoenix 250 w 14 k bulb. I have two of these on the tank also.

I have the zoas in the frag tank and they look good and growing. A little hair algae but no big deal. I have moved 3 different ones into the main tank and after a few days they start closing and melting away. This is so strange since it is the same water and I started with all dry rock so not to have any issues. I have moved them back into the frag tank and they are starting to open and look better with some polip loss.

What would cause such a thing. All pareters are ok
Alk 9.2
Cal 430
Mag 1145
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Are the melting or being eatin? I had the same issue years back and finally figured out my regal tang was eating all my zoanthids...
They are melting I can see the bumps where they were. Not gone just resolving away. Really ticks me off. I put them back in the sump and some are coming back.

Could it be too much flow? I would not think there was that much or maybe too much light bit they are lit the same maybe a slightly newer bulb. I am grasping now.
So could it be they are eating the heads, just leaving a closed up stump, looking like they are melting. Just a thought.
It looks like they are melting. I feed 3 times a day. I have never seen the coral beauty eat them before. I have not seen any of the fish pick on them at all. I will watch them closer.

It does look like melting but I have never seen ones eaten I thought the whole thing would be gone.
I was thinking the fish, because a while back I had a small colony melt away and every thing including the mat disapeared.
didn't see any mention of pH. If your pH is low, like below 8.0, IME many zoas and palys will melt. Most seem to like a little higher pH. Just something to check.