I just thought of something, why dont we make a members list with phone numbers and city, and contact times ? That way if someone needs help asap they can call someone for help.
The BOD has a complete membership list with contact info, but doesn't post it publicly due to obvious privacy concerns. At last count, the club has almost 300 members, and I would imagine only a small percentage of those would want their contact info published.
Due to concerns over identity theft, we would never publish member's names, addresses, phone numbers or even email addresses. I'm sure you get plenty of spam already, you don't need any more, I certainly don't. Those who "don't mind" would be ill-advised to allow it.
If you need help....Just post on here.
Most, if not all "help needed" post usually get answers almost immediately. Not just from Newbies, but from veterans like Rogger, and Gasman to state a few. I think you'll get better results posting than from calling person by person down a list getting no answers, busy signals, or I can't help right now.
Plus with a list, you could never be sure of whom to call at what time...etc, etc.
With time you usually get to know, who is closets to you and most willing to help. Personally I have on my cell a list of about
5 people that I know I could practically call at any time, and they will have my back...
While I would hesitate to publish my contact info to everyone, I have several friends in the club that I would help any time of day if an emergency came up.
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