Member X's aquarium pics


New member
member X's aquarium




interested to see how long it will take to lock my thread and erase my pics for no reason.

lock my thread.... tsss

he musta really ****ed you off eh? or are you jealous that your fish tank will NEVER look as good as his?
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Is that soli in the center the one I gave member X a couple of years ago? That thing has GROWN! Tell member X I said HI and we should get together next time I'm in town Y!
yes, i was going to mention how the soli cap was thumbnail sized when I glued it to the rock several years ago. some amazing growth, I will try to get a nice pic of the base, it has covered over three pieces of liverock and is now attached to the back and side of the pre-box. it is HUGE.

i will certainly tell X that you said hello.
Member X has a very nice tank. I thought the other thread was a bit of an over re-action on the part of RC, but then again, who am I 'cept for a lowly person interested in a hobby. I guess I should leave the political judgements to the elite. incredible......