Members Tanks


Active member

So I believe that I, or someone else in the club , has started a similar thread but how about we start posting some pictures of our tanks, maybe to get some conversation going on peoples methods of filtration, different lighting everyone is using, different corals etc.. A lot of people stop at our houses to buy corals from all of us but I like to put a face and name to a tank. Hopefully everyone can participate, I know I never get sick of seeing some great tanks like dans, sanjay, tony, joe..a lot of nice reef tanks in our club so lets share them...:bounce1:
This is a very quick Iphone picture of my tank after trying to catch a fish,, I still need to re-aquascape a bit and rearrange and put corals back in..

I was just thinking this morning that I needed some new pics and figured I'd scrape the edges of coralline and take a few. Hopefully I can get it done and throw them in here. Btw, I'm still waiting for you to come on down...

You live in a weird area, im usually not passing through but believe me ill make it down sooner or later!!

75 gallon tank in front of a window that gets direct sun in the afternoon. I'm concerned about heat and am looking into going with a basement sump in the not too distant future. The P. hepatus will be going either to Brad's house or to the LFS if I can't upgrade in time.

Top and side of my T. crocea. I am running an LED from Finsanity. It had minimal growth under T-5's, but I also only had two A. percula at the time. When I added a C. strigosus and P. hepatus, I started to see good growth. Unfortunately, I had an ich outbreak that was successfully treated with tank transfer, but my neighbor used some chemicals in his basement and the fumes come into my basement and fouled the water. My male perc and the C. strigosus were dead within an hour or so, but the other two survived until I could make new water upstairs.

My 3 youngest at the Cape Henlopen, DE Nature Center. They have a bunch of local (to the park) biotopes set up including deep water, bay, etc. Ironically enough, my kids got more excited at the horseshoe crabs in their tanks than the ones we had been watching at the beach.

Your very close to myself and dan, if your ever looking for corals let me know.

I was hoping to see Dan's stuff at the frag swap, but he was packing up by the time I got there.

You're up by W-B, right?

I've got to keep the budget tight for now. We just bought a house and that, along with moving expenses and needing to get a washer/dryer hookup installed put our finances uncomfortably tight for the next 3 months.

I've been keeping my eye out for someone looking to hire an accounting student. Hopefully I can find something local. If not, I'm going to commute to either Lehigh Valley or Scranton.
They are starting to grow very nicely, I have to take some colony pictures since the full tank shot doesn't really show very much.
Heres my soon to be tank and what i got accomplished this morning. ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21369504980.467939.jpg
Well a little disappointing news with the new tank. I bought it used and it still had bulkheada in it. One was in there so tight and when trying to get it out the bottom cracked a little. I'm not sure if there is anyway to fix this. I was thinking that since it is where all of the holes are for plumbing that maybe i can block the little area off where the crack is with an overflow type box which would take away some of the pressure from that area. Not am engineer so im not sure if that will work or what i can do. Any suggestions?
Thought i would contribute to this since my 120g has been back up and running. I apologize for the cell phone pic.
I was just thinking this morning that I needed some new pics and figured I'd scrape the edges of coralline and take a few. Hopefully I can get it done and throw them in here. Btw, I'm still waiting for you to come on down...

My tank's so loaded with coraline you can barely see in..that's the only reason I haven't posted pictures. I know I have a good 2 hours of cleaning for 36 square feet of coraline encrusted acrylic.
My tank's so loaded with coraline you can barely see in..that's the only reason I haven't posted pictures. I know I have a good 2 hours of cleaning for 36 square feet of coraline encrusted acrylic.

Perfect op for a before and after pic Fizz !

The tanks are looking great.I love seeing all the propagated corals in these systems.It is rewarding to grow a coral from a captive grown seed fragment and after all my preaching and soapbox speeches,I am finally seeing the progress.Beautiful aquariums peeps.
With as good of a photographer as I am, my tank shots always suck, but here is my tank now:
I can only take the Foyer Side (the only clean side) at a angle:

...and so you know I wasn't's the OTHER side that I haven't cleaned yet: