Memphis Weather = Pool Water Change

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
In as much as we try to maintain a delicate balance to support Life in our Reef tanks; My pool does quite the opposite, in that I pretty much try to kill every kind of algea within it. (Actually, I've had to be careful which one I do first on weekends!)

This bloody weather is reaping havoc on my water parameters in the Pool! As it is, I've had to drop the pool level 3" already this morning due to rain, and I'll have to do it again very shortly. It's just like I've done a water change to the Pool!

I've been watching our meteorologist / club member Ron Childers on TV ALL (!) morning long on WMC-TV 5, who's been keeping the greater Memphis area breast of the latest developments. He's been live on camera for hours now. (You gotta be beat Ron.)

Next time, I'll install a "Salt water" Pool!

(And to think I was in Phoenix this week, staring at shades of yellow, orange, gold, tan & brown! As I returned and was landing in Memphis, all I could see is GREEN!!)