Metal Stand material questions


New member
Just wondering, as I can fabricate it fine but I'm certainly no structural engineer LOL

What wall thickness and dimensions would you guys suggest for a 36" tall stand for a 210 gallon tank with a 90g sump system? The tank dimensions are 7' x 2' x 2', and I'd like to have at most 2 vertical supports between the ends of the tank on the length to make getting equipment in and out. Originally I wasn't so worried about that as I was going to put it on the other wall and could load equipent in through the end, but that would be parallel with the floor joists and I'd rather have it horizontal to them.

I'm also not against an aluminum stand to save weight as it will all be welded with a miller 200dx tig welder... but steel would be friendlier on my budget and in the grand scheme that weight savings with aluminum will probably be pretty minimal overall

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2 x 2 x 11 ga steel is the standard material most use. You will be fine with just 1 mid-span leg (6 legs total). I have built a similar sized stand out of aluminum and I used 1/4". Unfortunately that would be miserable welding that with a 200dx. You could probably use 3/16" aluminum but I wouldn't go any thinner myself. Just watch your duty-cycle on your welder!

BTW, check out the DIY forum here, there is a massive thread on steel stands.
yea, 1/4" aluminum is definitely a pain with it. I need to preheat like crazy and I can't move fast enough without soaking that thing in heat and generally getting some warping.

Thanks for that link though, don't know how I missed that... RC is too big lol