MH light by coralife


Active member
Hey yall,
I'm planning my Christmas list for mom and dad and I def want MH lights. I found this nice lookin fixture by coralife :

Aqualight Advanced Series - Hang-on Tank Mount

150 watt 20,000K double-ended HQI metal halide lamp

Thats the link to the manufacturers site for the product.
Do yall think that would work for both my 30gl display and potentially for a square column 55gl when i upgrade? I like the way it just clips onto the back of the tank and isnt obstructive... Any other MH suggestions in the same 200-250 price range?
I think he wants something he can just throw on.

Ryan, if i were you wait off on it if you plan to upgrade tank. It will save you a headache and money overall. Remember a lot of people have PCs/T5s/VHOs to suppliment the MHs.

I would find a nice fixture that has it all... weither its T5, VHO, or PCs suppliments. That or just go T5s, looks like a lot of people are getting good results from them, even with SPS corals. Skip the 150watts and go for the gold.... 250w.
Yeah im not planning on upgrading the tank until i move and get settled which is a ways down the line.